APRS Resources
VK4 APRS Website
VK APRS Website
WB4APR APRS Protocol
APRS-IS Website
M0CYP UI-View Resource
Packetograph for Mac OS-X
Xastir for Linux
WX Server Australia
KC2RLM Soundcardpacket
Byonics for TinyTrak
Argent for OpenTracker
SV2AGW for AGWTracker
Fox Delta for APRS Tracker
APRS Symbols Primer

Other Ham Radio links

VK4ZZ Netspace
VK4ZZ Facebook
ISS Sightings for Townsville
theTARCinc Website
theTARCinc Facebook
CHARC Website
WIA Website
more of ogs web pages

VK4ZZ-4's Amateur Radio Packet Data Reporting System
UI-View32 V2.03 30m RX only iGate

- This page will automatically refresh every 60 seconds
- Stations deleted after 600 mins unless updated).
- Tracking 0 Stations locally - details below map in table
- Extra links also below map

Site Notice :
Low pressure cells and Cyclones of regional interest
will be plotted as active objects from this site.

North Queensland Internet Gateways:
- VK4JPA Rangewood 145.350MHz Digital Access H24 Room 24105
- VK4TUB Kirwan interfaces with VK4RAT UHF Repeater H24 Node 46740
- VK4PQ Kelso interfaces with VK4RAT VHF Repeater H24 Node 49806
- VK4FBMV Condon 145.145MHz H24 Node 40381
- VK4TUB Kirwan interfaces with VK4RAT UHF Repeater H24 Node 834965
- VK4PQ-R Kelso interfaces with VK4RAT VHF Repeater H24 Node 956580
- VK4MIC Mount Isa interfaces with VK4RMI VHF Repeater H24 Node 971321
- VK4MIC Mount Isa interface with VK4RMI VHF Repeater H24 Node 6921
AX25 Packet
- VK4ZZ APRS AX25 Vincent NQLD 145.175MHz 1200bd H24
- VK4ZZ APRS AX25 Vincent 10.149MHz 300bd H24
- VK4OT-3 FBBS AX25 1200Bd Wormhole Heatley NQLD 145.175MHz H24
- VK4OT FBB Telnet port ip port 6300





 earthquake iconEarthquake cyclone iconCyclone wx warning icon WX Warning warning area icon Warning Area satellite icon Satellite irlp icon IRLP Node






















-1 = Home Stn / Digi / Wx
-2 = 2nd remote Digi or UHF
-3 = Digi on remote site
-4 = HF iGate or HF<>VHF Gate
-5 = iGate (not a home station)
-6 = Satellite Ops or SatGate
-7 = Kenwood rigs or HamHuds
-8 = 2nd Mob/port maritime ops
-9 = Mobiles using TT's,OT's etc
-10 = Internet operations only
-11 = Touch tone ops or balloons
-12 = Portable ops e.g. campsites
-13 = Telemetry reporting
-14 = Truckies on VHF
-15 = HF Mobiles
nil = Home Station iGate


Radio Amateur Local Individual Mobile Station Tracking Data :
The following is a list of all the stations heard on RF in the past 600 minutes. '-' before a callsign means that it it is a UI-View station, '*' after a callsign means that it was heard via a digi. The list only includes callsigns heard on RF, direct or via digipeaters. It does not include callsigns heard on the internet, or heard as third-party RF traffic via IGATEs.
There are 0 callsigns in the list, select a callsign to get an information page for that station
Callsign Symbol Location Miles Bearing Last heard

Free counters!

This not for profit website is hosted courtesy of VK4ZZ.NO-IP.ORG on a computer in Vincent, a suburb of Townsville Australia,
utilising the Roger Barker G4IDE (sk) uiVIEW32 Web Server application.
Also utilising mapping scripts and server support provided by aprs.fi

Contents of this page can be used freely for non-pecuniary purposes.

This page has been accessed 202858 times.
It was last modified 2024-Jan-09 04:50:40 UTC